Musings by a 50+ year old lady from Uptown New Orleans. Things that cross my mind – because I’m a wee bit opinionated! Things I love. My pet peeves. Definitely a little grammar advice. Maybe some football talk.
I decided I wanted to start a blog in 2020. I don’t know why, but I’m guessing it’s b
ecause I’m opinionated – and maybe because I have a marketing background and love to talk. I definitely know that I was and continue to be inspired by three of my sorority sisters, Dr. Baraka Perez, Christa Rayford Talbot and Dr. Alisha G. Reed who all have amazing blogs. I am generally better at editing and proofreading than writing, but I decided to give it the old college try. I kept wondering what I would blog about, who would be interested, how I would determine the topics and how often I would blog. I would jot down some topics every once in a while. I wondered when I would get a move on actually launching this blog. Enter the novel Coronavirus also known as Covid-19, and suddenly I had a little time on my hands. So, here we are. I decided to start with this topic. When I have time to write, I try to be careful with words, so our choice of words lately sparked me to get started. Let me know what you think.